Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

People love the cold!?

Winter is on it's way! Temperatures have been dropping, and the leaves have left trees bare. Our days are definitely getting shorter, as it gets dark around 5:30ish. Yet despite the onset of winter, we are thankful for where God has us and how He has blessed us. Our little house has been great and heats up very nicely.

Despite the cold, we were blessed to have Katie, my sister, stay with us last weekend. We enjoyed the time that we had with her and were sad to have her return home.

The cold makes John's work a bit more difficult. He says that he doesn't mind the cold it's the wind that bothers him. His team is doing a great job working on the new five-plex. He mentioned to me the plumbing is looking good and things are moving along very well.

The cold weather has a very interesting effect on the preschoolers I take care of. I can tell when they have been able to play outside verses cooped up in the house. I also find it rather amusing to see them come to school all bundled up. Aidan, one little boy in our class, has his nose peaking out of his hood when he walks in the door, everything else is covered. Yet surprisingly some kids still come in a light jacket in the morning. This makes our lives fun as we raid the mission barrel (a place where we can get various items for free) for jackets, gloves, hats, and other various items.

Winter also means vacation time! We are excited to announce that we will be visiting Arizona and California over the holidays. We plan on being in Phoenix for Christmas, and in Orange around New Years. We are so excited to catch up with you guys face to face!

We thank you so much for your prayers. We would not be able to do this without you. Some old and new requests are:
  • Our marriage would remain Christ centered
  • Our ministries: John with construction and me with the preschoolers
  • Our health (we just got flu shots)
  • Safe travels when we drive out to Arizona and California

Amanda Stroze <><