Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Our apologies for being behind on our blog. Here's a quick recap of our summer... the Lord made it possible to see KT in AZ before we drove out to California, we attended a conference called "Resolved" with Grace Church, we celebrated the Fourth of July with John's family in California, on the fifth of July we celebrated 2 year wedding anniversary, we were blessed to share where we were at in the training process with various Sunday school classes with Grace Church in California, Amanda was blessed to spend a week and a half with her parents before John came out to AZ, we were able to attend Faith Bible's "All Church Retreat" (aka Family Camp), Amanda celebrated her 25 birthday with family and friends at Family Camp, and the Lord blessed us with purchasing a minivan the weekend before we drove back to Missouri! It was a busy but very relaxing summer, which was super nice since our first class to start off the semester is/was Dobu!

Dobu is basically a "mock village" that is a part of our training. We get to work with a language helper to learn their language and the Dobu culture, using a trade language (in this case English). We have had a blast thus far! It's amazing how much time and energy goes into learning a new language and culture. Also this is our only class until the end of October and then we will start our Practical Skills course.

Our major prayer request at this time is for wisdom, and discernment. Since returning to the MTC we have been processing a lot of information, and various emotions. We love the Lord so much and look forward to serving Him cross-culturally in the years to come where-ever He may have us. Thanks again for your prayers, your love, and support. If it weren't for you all we would not be where we are today.

John and Amanda Stro