Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


i just got back from my outreach at the teen center about 10 min ago, but i could not wait to share this news. Today there was a small number of kids there, namely 2. But that afforded me the opportunity to actually have a good conversation with them both. But that is not the awesome news. it is actually kind of funny. i was able to share the gospel with them, but what started the conversation was my tattoos. i have romans 3:19-28 on my arm and that started some questions about the word. I told them it was my very verses because it talks about how we are hopelessy condemned by the law, but in those versus it states "but God" those two words are the bases for my hope. we are totaly lost but God sent His son as a sacrifice for our sins. That led to more questions. I would ask you all to pray for these two guys austin and scott. that they would come next week and that there would be a small number of people there so that we can continue the conversation about Christ. just to clarify why i ask for a small group is the fact that i am the only leader there on tuesdays and that makes it very hard to sit down and talk to these kids while trying to maintain order. and average night is 10+ ages from 13-17 so it is hard to do this alone on that day. please also pray that more of the students here will decide to join this outreach. we could really use the extra help from them. thank you all for your prayers they mean a lot to us.
- your brother in Christ - john stro