Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Vacation Bible School (VBS) was a blast. We had two days that were "scheduled" for us to speak and the other days we were "floaters." On Monday we jumped right in and filled in for a teacher who went home early. It was fun figuring out where and what we supposed to be doing with the third graders. The kids were great and just went with the flow. Tuesday we spoke to the kiddos and adults about languages and the importance of learning a culture. We were amazed at how attentive the kids were. On Wednesday, John stayed home due to a migraine, but I was able to fill in an open spot in the nursery. I enjoyed my time with them but was thankful when their parents came to pick them up. ;) Thursday we spoke once again to the kids and adults, and were amazed with how much they remembered. We were able to bring a few things from Brazil to show. They loved the bow and arrow! Friday was spend helping transfer pictures for a slide show presentation for the parents. What a joy it was helping out in different ways!

We have a prayer card made!!! The idea formed while helping out with VBS. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do and it helps as a reminder to pray for us. :) We are beginning to distribute them.

John and Amanda Strozewski <><

PS. We will be in Phoenix on the 10th of July until the 22nd of July. We look forward to catching up with family and friends in the area.

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